Using Scanning Technologies to Enhance Your Outcomes When Working with Patients with Behavioral, Learning and Socialization Challenges

Detect neurological relationships using precision instrumentation and objective reporting

Taught by Dr. David Fletcher DC, FRCCSS(C)

Hosted by Dr. Amy Spoelstra, FOCUS Academy

Wednesday, August 14th, 2024, 5:00pm-7:00pm PST





Are you ready to revolutionize your chiropractic practice?

Discover the cutting-edge techniques that bridge modern scanning technologies with neurodevelopmental patient care. Join Dr. David Fletcher, a leading expert in the field, for an in-depth exploration of how to assess and manage neurofunctional aspects of vertebral subluxation using a “Nerve-First” approach.

Course Overview

This 2-hour CE* course is designed to transform your understanding of how you can enhance your examination, reporting, and communication skills when working with neurodevelopmentally challenged clients and their families. Learn how the combination of data from three scanning instruments can objectively detect and report neurological relationships, allowing you to create neuroplastic care plans that improve patient outcomes across all ages.


Dr. David Fletcher, DC, FRCCSS(C)

Founder and CEO, CLA Inc.

Dr. David Fletcher is recognized as one of the leading authorities in the transitional shift towards neurologically centered chiropractic. His role as the innovator of the INSiGHT scanning technologies places him at the intersection between today’s technologies and the timeless principles of healing.  An accomplished communicator, Fellow in the Chiropractic Sport Sciences and Founder/CEO of CLA Inc., Dr. Fletcher’s message helps bridge the widening gap within the profession by blending the neurosciences with practical solutions for everyday practitioners.

Hosted by
Dr. Amy Spoelstra

Dr. Amy and her husband David live in northern Idaho with their beautiful daughter Meela. They opened Spoelstra Family Chiropractic in April of 2008 after moving from South Carolina where Dr. Amy graduated cum laude from Sherman College of Chiropractic. Dr. Amy is the founder of the FOCUS program and opened the doors to the program in 2011 in the Coeur d’ Alene office. She now teaches chiropractors, educators and other medical professionals around the country and internationally about Neuro-Deflective Disorders ™ and the FOCUS approach to comprehensive patient care for children and adults with behavioral, learning, socialization and developmental challenges. She is the founder of the Brain Blossom Program ™ and FOCUS Academy ™ for continued education for certified FOCUS practitioners.

Dr. Amy and her family love to travel and experience new cultures! Her favorite things are exploring new places with her family, learning about different cultures and people, yoga, a good cup of coffee and to study….seriously….she loves to study!

Dr. Amy has extensive post-doctoral training in pediatric chiropractic and has contributed to the Practice-Based Research Network with the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. She has developed a research branch of the FOCUS Academy and has published research on the topics of chiropractic and its impact on development.

Using Scanning Technologies to Enhance Your Outcomes When Working with Patients with Behavioral, Learning and Socialization Challenges


  • Wednesday, August 14th, 2024, 5:00pm-7:00pm PST
  • 2 CEUs for qualifying states*
  • Raffle for live attendees: Apple Pen and other gifts!
  • 2 hour class
  • 30 day replay (CEUs only available for live attendees)

*CEUs for the following states (live attendance only):

Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Idaho, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, US Virgin Islands, Washington, Wyoming, Newfoundland (CAN), Ontario (CAN).


"Postgraduate programs sponsored, co-sponsored or hosted by Sherman College of Chiropractic may not always reflect the views of the college or its employees."