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(leads to your contact me page)

Compelling Headline Here

Compelling Header: Do not use the title of your course here. Your audience doesn't want to buy your course. They want to purchase a transformation. They want to get from point A (where they are now) to point B (what your course promises to do for them). The reader lands on this page, will read this headline, then decide if they're going to read further or click away. The headline should be compelling enough that they want to stay on this page and read more. The headline is often the promise you're offering the reader. Ex: "Are you ready to..." or a before/after such as "Lose Weight in 10 Days" or "Grow $500 into 4 Million".

Subheader here

Subheader: Objections are the reasons someone would NOT buy your offering. For example, the most common objections are "I don't have any money" or "I don't have the time" though there are probably specific objections for your particular niche. In the subheader, use the most common objection specific to your niche such as "even if you don't know how to begin" or "even if you don't have a green thumb".

Value Statement here

Value Statement: What is it that is the central idea of what they’re going to get? What is the transformation they're going to receive from the course? What is the benefit to the person taking this course? Describe where they're at now and then where they're going to be by the end of this course. Ex: "If you’re a struggling cook wanting to become the go-to personal chef for your area, you'll need to learn marketing foundations. This course teaches you marketing foundations to attract your ideal clients, all while running a systematized business."

Actionable Button Here
Ex: Yes! I'm Ready to Lose Weight!

Compelling Headline Here

Compelling Header: Do not use the title of your course here. Your audience doesn't want to buy your course. They want to purchase a transformation. They want to get from point A (where they are now) to point B (what your course promises to do for them). The reader lands on this page, will read this headline, then decide if they're going to read further or click away. The headline should be compelling enough that they want to stay on this page and read more. The headline is often the promise you're offering the reader. Ex: "Are you ready to..." or a before/after such as "Lose Weight in 10 Days" or "Grow $500 into 4 Million".

Subheader here

Subheader: Objections are the reasons someone would NOT buy your offering. For example, the most common objections are "I don't have any money" or "I don't have the time" though there are probably specific objections for your particular niche. In the subheader, use the most common objection specific to your niche such as "even if you don't know how to begin" or "even if you don't have a green thumb".

Value Statement here

Value Statement: What is it that is the central idea of what they’re going to get? What is the transformation they're going to receive from the course? What is the benefit to the person taking this course? Describe where they're at now and then where they're going to be by the end of this course. Ex: "If you’re a struggling cook wanting to become the go-to personal chef for your area, you'll need to learn marketing foundations. This course teaches you marketing foundations to attract your ideal clients, all while running a systematized business."

Actionable Button Here
Ex: Yes! I'm Ready to Lose Weight!

You're Ready to blank, but ...

Acknowledge the Pain or Frustration of their Problem: 

Directly identify and call out the pain or frustration your audience is feeling. This will show the audience that you understand where they are and how they feel. You are relatable. This "pain" is the reason they would want to take this course. Ex: "You're frustrated with...",

Ex: "You're Ready to Build Your Personal Chef Business, BUT...You're unsure how to get clients who are going to pay you what you're worth. Starting a new business can be frustrating if you don't know anything about how to get clients, how to price your services, or how to begin at all, right?! If you’re like most cooks or chefs I know, you got into this business because you love cooking and want to share your passion with others... not spend all day trying to figure out how to get clients!"



Don't give up without even starting...


Talk about what mistaken belief they have that is causing them to have this frustration. Whenever there's a frustration, there’s a mistaken belief associated with it. 

Ex: "When Personal Chefs struggle because they have no idea how to attract leads into their business, they often give up before even starting. They think sharing their "open for business" page on Facebook and then posting daily food photos will attract new clients. They then get frustrated because nobody is calling about their services."

The frustration here is "nobody is calling about their services" and the mistaken belief is thinking that "sharing their open for business page on Facebook then posting daily food photos will attract new clients".

If you're doing this, you're wasting time...


Tie the prior two blocks (acknowledge the pain + misconceptions) together by identifying the wrong actions they’re taking based on the wrong belief that is causing them to stay in frustration. You're showing them that they have to change something to get out of this frustration. Describe what that change should be.

Ex: "If you're doing this, you're wasting time marketing to the wrong audience and in a way that is not going to attract your ideal client. Successful Personal Chefs know that what will set them apart from other personal chefs is not what you think (your cooking skills) - it's your ability to market and get new clients."

I've identified the wrong actions they're taking based on their wrong belief "if you're doing this, you're wasting time marketing to the wrong audience and in a way that is not going to attract your ideal client". I'm showing that they need to change something, "successful personal chefs know that what will set you apart from other personal chefs is not what you think (your cooking skills), it's your ability to market and get new clients."


Stop Wondering...

The Change You Need: Talk about the general solution to the bigger problem, "what you need is" this; "stop doing/thinking” this and “start doing/thinking” this

Ex: "Stop wondering where they next client is coming from and start learning about marketing foundations."



Imagine this...

Future Pacing: Show them what’s possible once they’ve made the shift and their problems are solved. 
This way they can picture what life will be like once their problem is solved.


Ex: "Wouldn't it be helpful if you understood marketing basics. You would then know how to reach clients that appreciate you and can afford your services. Imagine for just a moment......that you knew how to market directly to your dream had a step-by-step process for starting and building a personal chef business...your business is so successful that you can take four vacations a year..."

This statement "you can take four vacations a year", is something I picked up as the exact phrase my audience uses when describing what they feel a "successful" business is. I sent out a survey and after hundreds of replies, I have their exact words they use to describe their problems and what they see as solutions and success. This exact copy is what should be used in the sales page to result in a high converting page, meaning more sales and more income.

Video Poster Image

You may think you're struggling because...

Obstacle: Talk about why is it that they haven’t yet made this shift and solved this problem (because they're approaching the problem the wrong way). Build the need for your product by discussing their obstacle (one that your offer solves).


Ex: "Too many personal chefs assume they are struggling because they haven’t found the RIGHT marketing tactic yet. When they can't figure out how to get clients, they think it's their pricing model and end up discounting their services, finding themselves working in a business they don't enjoy. They don't realize that discounting their services is actually bringing them further from their ideal clients, the ones who value their services. This keeps them stuck..."

Here's what is possible (the transformation)...

Share what they need in order to solve their problem and overcome the objection (what they need is your product of course). Talk about what they need in a granular level, but don’t mention your product yet. It's the vehicle that is going to get them from point A to point B.

Ex: In this example, the vehicle that is going to move them from point A to point B is marketing foundations. From there, I need to PROVE why this is the vehicle that is going to solve their problem. "You must understand the fundamentals of marketing yourself. When you learn how to market the right way, a customer will easily see the value of your services and WANT to book you. You won't have to pay for ads. Until you have a waiting list of clients, your business NEEDS great marketing skills. How do you expect people to give you money for your cooking services if you can’t accurately communicate how you help them?! When you LEARN and MASTER the skill of how to market effectively to attract your ideal client, you take that skill with you wherever you go!"


Course Title



Introducing: This is finally the time to mention your course or offering. You haven't mentioned it before because you were in the process of showing the audience that they have a problem and what it takes to solve that problem. If they don't feel they have a problem, they won't buy. Now that they understand that they have a problem that needs solving, they're ready for the solution, your course or offering! Include an image of your product logo or mockup, the name, and a tagline statement that summarizes what it is.

Ex: "INTRODUCING... Personal Chef Business in 10 Weeks, a Day-by-Day, Business Foundation Building & Marketing System for Creating a Successful Meal Prep & Dinner Party Business. It's finally time to take control over your own hours and income!" 

Actionable Call to Action Relating to Your Subject
Ex: I'm Ready to Lose that Last 10 Pounds!


Bio: Include a short origin story.


The story shares why you're the person who is best to teach this.


It's likely you were in your audience's shoes before and have undergone the transformation they're looking for.







Highlight the transformation they’re going to get from taking your course/offering.


This is not about the selling the features of your product or sharing the number of modules in the course. Instead, it’s about how they’re going to be transformed (describe the internal and external) once they’ve taken this course. 


You're describing what their life is going to be like once they’re done with your course or coaching. An external transformation would be something that can be visually seen while internal is an emotional state.


They're going from point A (where they're at now) to point B (where your course takes them). Describe life at point B.

Here's what my students are saying...

Jane Doe

Testimonial #1

Jane Doe

Testimonial #2

Jane Doe

Testimonial #3

Here's What You'll Get

when you enroll in this Course...


Don’t just list the features here, but instead present them as benefits.

Describe what they're receiving as “feature” so that “benefit of feature”. 

Ex: “Includes a private Facebook group" (feature) SO THAT "you can get feedback from me, have community, and learn from others” (benefit of feature).

Amazing Feature

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

Amazing Feature

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

Amazing Feature

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

Module 1:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Module 2:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Module 3:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Module 4:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Module 5:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Module 6:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Module 7:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Module 8:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Here's What You'll Get

when you enroll in this Course...


Don’t just list the features here, but instead present them as benefits.

Describe what they're receiving as “feature” so that “benefit of feature”. 

Ex: “Includes a private Facebook group" (feature) SO THAT "you can get feedback from me, have community, and learn from others” (benefit of feature).

Amazing Feature

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

Amazing Feature

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

Amazing Feature

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

Module 1:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Module 2:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Module 3:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Module 4:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Module 5:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Module 6:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Module 7:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Module 8:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.


when you enroll in this Course...

Don’t just list the features here, but instead present them as benefits. Describe what you're receiving as “feature” so that “benefit of feature”. You're designing the module titles as result oriented. Ex: “a private Facebook group so that you can get feedback from me, have community, and learn from others”.

Bonus 1:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Bonus 2:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Bonus 3:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Bonus 4:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.


when you enroll in this Course...

Don’t just list the features here, but instead present them as benefits. Describe what you're receiving as “feature” so that “benefit of feature”. You're designing the module titles as result oriented. Ex: “a private Facebook group so that you can get feedback from me, have community, and learn from others”.

Bonus 1:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Bonus 2:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Bonus 3:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

Bonus 4:

Include a benefit driven title and description of the transformation they will have undergone once they've completed this module.

You Would Think...

Value Anchor: The goal is for the right person to feel like this purchase is a no-brainer. To do this, before providing the price, you'll want to show how much more expensive the alternative would be.

Ex: "You would think that a course with this outcome would be priced at least $5,000” or “if you purchased this alone, it would cost you this”. "Hiring me for one-on-one personal training would cost you $100 for just one session."

If you don't provide something to compare to your selling price to, the audience will conclude that you pulled the number out of the air.

Payment Plan Plan


3 Monthly Payments

  • Includes this
  • Includes this
  • Includes this
  • Includes this
  • Includes this

Full Pay


Best Value

  • Includes this
  • Includes this
  • Includes this
  • Includes this
  • Includes this



Monthly Private Coaching

  • Includes this
  • Includes this
  • Includes this
  • Includes this
  • Includes this

You're Probably Thinking...



This is the time to address audience objections proactively rather than waiting for them to reach out with a question.
What is the one main objection people have as a reason not to invest in your particular course or coaching?
The two most common objections are "I don't have the money" or "I don't have the time" but this is the time to address the main objection someone would have for not purchasing your particular offer that applies to your particular niche.
Ex: "This is about the time where you might be saying, 'Yes Virginia, but I don't think right now is the right time to begin my new personal chef business. Shouldn't I wait until the world goes back to normal?' No, this is why waiting for life to return to "normal" before building your personal chef reputation is backwards..."

Call to Action Button!

Frequently Asked Questions

Payment Plan Plan


3 Monthly Payments

  • Includes this
  • Includes this
  • Includes this
  • Includes this
  • Includes this

Full Pay


Best Value

  • Includes this
  • Includes this
  • Includes this
  • Includes this
  • Includes this



Monthly Private Coaching

  • Includes this
  • Includes this
  • Includes this
  • Includes this
  • Includes this

Satisfaction Guarantee...




You'll either provide your amazing money back guarantee here
or explain why you do not offer refunds.


Ex: "30-Day Worry-Free Guarantee - I am personally committed to providing extraordinary training that makes a positive impact on you and your business. If you're not completely blown away by the content and experience of your education inside the course, send me an email for a full refund, no questions asked."